Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wing 5, Ribs

Transfer the positions of the ribs from the old spar to the new spar.

The ribs are nailed to the spar with tiny aircraft nails and weather you removed the ribs rough or easy they will leave distinctive marks on the old spar where they were nailed on.  Start by laying the new spar and the old spar side by side on sawhorses.  Check that they are perfectly aligned by using a square on the butt end.  Then slide the square down the spar to the first rib position, align it with the nail holes and draw a line.  One line is not enough, because when you go to install a rib the line will be covered, so draw two more lines one on each side of the nail hole line.  The two extra lines should be about the same distance apart as the width of the rib.

Once all the rib positions have been marked, flip both spars over and mark the rib positions on the other side.

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