Monday, May 16, 2005

Engine paint and baffels

Paint was Lycoming gray crankcase and black cylinders. I got the paint from Spruce, it's high temperature engine paint in spray cans.

I think the baffels were the hardest part of the whole project.  Baffels are aluminum plates around the outsides of the cylinders.  The baffels seal the engine around the cowl and direct the cooling air around the cylinders.  The baffels that came with the engine looked like they'd been the victum of a cattle stampede.  They were bent and cracked from the engine vibration..  The outside of the baffels was lined with one inch strips of felt.  The felt was soaked through with oil and old dirt. 

The "new" baffels are the old ones hand bent back into shape, with real bad sections cut out and new aluminum sheet riveted back in place.  They are painted with more of that black engine enamel.  I threw away the felt edging seal and used the modern equivalent, silicone rubber strip bolted to the baffel edges with #4 screws and locknuts.  Better than new.

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