Saturday, July 16, 2005

Wing 8. Reinforcement Plates

Photo shows router setup to mill butt end of spar for plywood reinforcement

The 1/16th inch plywood reinforcement plates must be flush with the surface of the spar, so the spar is milled down 1/16 inch on both sides.  I used an ordinary router.  First I set up a stop made of two 1x2's clamped to the spar.  The base of the router contacts the 1x2 stop and makes a nice even square end to the milled down portion of the spar.  I used a 3/4 inch diameter flat bottom router bit set to 1/16 depth.   It took several adjust and try cycles before I got the depth just right.

Cutting the recess is a matter of moving the router left and right across the surface of the spar.  Keep the router level by keeping the router base flat on the uncut portion of the spar.  Go slow, no hurry.  Chew gum, listen to music, stay loose.  You want the cut portion of the spar to be as smooth as possible.

After milling with the router, dress the cut with sandpaper until the router marks disappear.

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