Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Aileron Assembly

Procedure for assembly of the aileron:

1. Transfer the rib locations, reinforcement locations, and hardware locations from the old spar to the new spar.  Glue and nail the center reinforcements onto the new spar.  Varnish everything except the inboard and outboard reinforcement locations.

2. Slide the ribs onto the spar. I use the vertical wing assembly jig with the uprights moved closer together. (Photo 1)  Leave them loose for now.

3. Glue and nail the inboard and outboard plywood reinforcements onto the spar. (Photo 2)

4. Varnish the plywood reinforcements.

5. Double check the hardware locations using a machinists square and tape measure.  Mark the hole locations onto the reinforcement plates.  (Photo 3)

6. Use the drill press to accurately drill the hardware locations.  (Photo 4)

7.  Bolt the hardware back onto the spar, nail ribs in place, re-install the trailing edge and tip bow.  (Photo 5)

8. Flip the aileron over and nail the nose ribs in place.  Use a third-hand square to hold the ribs while you nail them.  (Photo 6)  And finally, screw the leading edge pieces back onto the nose ribs.

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